Motivation comes from within —
and I’m here to help you tap into it.

What is Counseling?
Counseling is a professional relationship that enables individuals from diverse backgrounds, families, and groups to experience (among many things) mental health, wholeness, work-life balance, education and career goals. If you are hurting or struggling; it is an opportunity to discover what beauty seemingly desert places can offer back to you.

We Are Fellow Travelers
If you have ever physically been to a desert place you know it is wide open and fraught with unfamiliar territory. At first glance, the desert appears to be dry and one might assume nothing or little can grow there. Also, if you spend anytime in it, you quickly realize, it exposes everything and provides little room to hide from anything; God, others, and more importantly from oneself. And yet, with a knowledgeable and skilled confidant, a fellow traveler one can courageously muddle through the uncertainties of such wilderness journeying.

Remove the Obstacles to Growth
You can discover freedoms and sustenance leading to wellsprings of life. A good counselor/therapist can help you discover the obstacles to growth; the wellsprings that lead to satisfying and authentic living.

Online and offline Counseling Available
Begin Today to Discover the
Wellsprings in Your Life